There are strong indications that the Quran, Islam's sacred book, is the word of Allah, and we have numerous examples to justify and prove this fact. Many scientific and historical truths mentioned in the Quran were unknown to the general public at the time of their discovery and have just lately been uncovered by modern science. The Quranic verse is written uniquely and cannot be copied, known as "Inimitability." The predictions made in the Book of the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have come true.

Here are 6 Shocking Facts in Quran You Don't Know About:

1. The Beginning of Life

All living organisms need water for their survival. We all know how important water is to our survival, yet the Quran makes an interesting point about it:

"We made every living thing from water. Will they not believe it?" (21:30 Quran)

When it comes to the genesis of all life, water is mentioned in this verse (Ayah). Every living thing is made up of cells. Majority of the cell composition consists of water. If you look at an animal cell's cytoplasm, you'll see that it contains around 80 percent water. After the development of the microscope, it was revealed that living organisms are mostly composed of water. In the dry deserts of Arabia, one would never have believed that water was the source of all life.

2. Iron.

Metals such as Iron aren't found in nature. It didn't develop on Earth; rather, it crashed to the planet's surface from the vastness of space. Despite the oddity of the statement, it is, in fact, accurate. According to new research, meteorites slammed into the Earth some 4.6 billion years ago. These meteorites included Iron that had been ejected from stars that had blown up. The Quran explains the origins of Iron as follows:

"We sent iron with its amazing strength and it is very advantageous for mankind." (Quran 57:25)

The word 'sent’ is used by Allah to describe Iron. That Iron is not a naturally occurring substance but a gift from God to humans is clear from the passage (Ayah). While in the 7th century, scientists were confused about how iron was brought to the planet earth from space.

3. The Sky's Shield.

The Earth's protection is mostly dependent on the sky. The Sun's harmful rays are shielded from the Earth by the sky. The Sun's rays would have wiped out all life on Earth had the sky not existed. Like a blanket, it shields our planet from the icy temperatures of space. The air just above the sky has a temperature of around -2700C. Earth would quickly ice over if this temperature were to be reached. Additionally, the sky preserves life on Earth by retaining heat (the greenhouse effect) and decreasing temperature swings between day and night. These are only a few of the sky's numerous purposes to keep us safe. In the following verse (Ayah), the Quran encourages us to think about and reflect on the heavens:

"We made the sky a protective ceiling. But they are ignoring our signs!" (Qur'an 21:32)

The protection by the sky is cited in the Quran as evidence of the existence of Allah. In the 20th century, many scientific researches revealed the defense mechanism of sky.

4. Mountains.

The Quran focuses our attention on one of the essential aspects of mountains: 

"Didn’t we make Planet Earth a resting place? And the mountains as stakes?" As per the Quran (78:6-7),

Mountains in the Quran are called "stakes" because of their deep roots. Stakes is an appropriate term for defining that mountains have deep roots.

The geophysicist Frank Press wrote a book named "Earth," in which he argues that mountains are similar to stakes and that they are buried deep below the surface of the Earth. Mount Everest's root system extends more than 125 miles under the surface. After the discovery of plate tectonics theory in the early 20th century, it was discovered that mountains contain deep "stake-like" roots that were not understood before.

5. Evolution of the cosmos.

The spread of the cosmos was mentioned in the Quran at a period when astronomy was yet in its early stages.

"And it is We who have made the Universe with power and keep on growing it." (Quran 51:47)

The discovery of the expanding cosmos was made in the previous century. "The revelation that the universe's expansion was one of the great philosophical breakthroughs of the twentieth century," says physicist Stephen Hawking in his book "A Brief History of Time." This was even described in the Quran before telescopes were invented!

6. The orbit of the Sun.

According to Nicholas Copernicus' view, the Sun is stationary in its core, and all of the planets circle around it circularly. Until the turn of the twentieth century, many astronomers considered the Sun a fixed point in space. The Sun's orbit around our Milky Way galaxy is now a well-established scientific fact. The orbit of the Sun is mentioned in the Quran.

"It is we who created night and day, the Sun and the Moon, each floating in its orbit." (Quran 21:33)

According to astronomers, a few decades ago, the Quran was incorrect. Astronomers have confirmed. Quranic descriptions of solar motion agree with contemporary physics.